Do not try cheating
It is forbidden to use hacks, bugs, patches, mods and any other forbidden programs! |
Do not do scam things in game
Cheats and scam by /trade are forbidden! Take pictures of your deals so we can give you full assistance in case of abuse. |
Do not try lie other players
It is forbidden for you to lie for your rank like as Admin, Game Master or any other person on the server team. |
Don't threaten the other players
Ban threats, warnings and threats to players are prohibited. |
Don't swear
Use of vulgar vocabulary and spam in /post chat is forbidden!
If you want to report an offender, be sure to take a Screenshot, and we urge you to report as soon as possible. We will not undertake to penalize users who have been reported after time or days of the violation itself. |
Do not disrupt an event
The intentional use of /trade or /party commands against an opponent in PK Event is prohibited. |
We do not tolerate racism
Any signs of discrimination or racism are not tolerated. |
Don't advertise
Advertising on other servers, sites and in-game links is prohibited. |
Don't ask for items
Requesting items, resources and various services from administrators is prohibited. |
Don't swear at the server team
It is forbidden to use a vulgar dictionary against members of the server team. |
Do not use prohibited approaches
All support/pumping/buffing actions of characters by using Elf (Caster) in Blood Castle is prohibited! Violators will be punished. . List - warned/banned characters |
Do not close portals
It is forbidden to close the entrance/exit of a city or portal by intentionally hindering players or mass killing. You have the right to close Blood Castle, only 1 (one) minute before the event ends. |
About VIP Duels
VIP duels (duels for items or accounts) take place only after the consent and presence of an administrator. We are not responsible for self-initiatives taken by players personally. |
Do not interfere with server management
No one has the right to interfere with the work of the administration and support staff of the server, as well as encourage and invite players to various actions or spread false information about the server. |
No gratuitous/intentional killing on events
It is forbidden to kill players during events organized by the server administration. PK event is an exception. |
No self-initiated transactions in and out of server boundaries
Any transactions with which you aim to directly benefit yourself - monetarily/materially, through the server, are prohibited. This includes direct attempts to trade items/resources, asking for real funds in return. The same applies to the sale of credit values for other benefits. You are not allowed to sell credits or any kind of items for real money!
We urge any user who has information about such actions to report to us as soon as possible. Server management will be uncompromising! |
Any kind of attacks and ultimatums are prohibited
Any attempts at targeted attacks, props and ultimatums to the team and server management are strictly prohibited.
Example: if you don't do this, something else will happen... If you don't give me this, something else will happen, etc. Patience there are limits! |
No lies
Any attempt to spread false information about the server is strictly prohibited. Because of the attempts of various players to spread such information.
Example: that someone was added, another had maximum points, another found a secret bug, etc. This also includes assumptions that someone is using a hack that turns out not to be the case. All this will be considered a lie and the consequences will be immediate! |
No trying to cheat the chaos machine
Any attempt to mislead by saying that an item is missing because you disconnected it while rotating it in the machine is prohibited. This is technically impossible. If you have put an item in the machine, but you have not yet pressed the spin button, and then you are disconnected, then the item is returned to the inventory automatically. The same applies to the situation if you pressed the spin button and then got disconnected before you could get the item. All of this is recorded in a log that can be checked. The server is not responsible for missing items due to your error! All this will be considered a lie and the consequences will be immediate! |
About PVP
Part of the game experience is the PVP itself. Complaints of the type - this one kill me while I'm raising levels or I'm on an invasion, etc. are not accepted. I want you to punish him. Such complaints will not be ignored if there is targeted mass killing of weak new players for no reason, to deliberately prevent them from developing, or by shutting down a city. |